I took more pictures using my D90 yesterday...
Played around with more functions...
Still haven't got the chance to take pictures of people yet...
But tonight is Fellowship Night...
It's some event (not sure if you can call it an event) in my church where all the cell groups gather together for well... Fellowship~
So yeah~
Great opportunity for me to test out the D90 with human subjects~
I've also been asked by one of the church members to be the photographer for their daughter's birthday party...
But this is not confirmed yet...
Hopefully they "hire" me la~
(I'm not getting paid though... I'm just doing it for exposure...)
Without further delay...
Here are the pictures...
Pictures are all unedited unless specified...
Pictures have also been resized thus causing a drop in photo quality...
Original photos are much sharper...
Click to enlarge...
Another example of the "Cross Screen" Effect...
I used 8-pointed stars this time...
I edited this image using the "Fish Eye" effect...
Here is what it the original picture looked like...
After editing the image above with the "Fish Eye" effect...
I decided to use the "Color Balance" function on the D90...
I gave the picture a stronger blue and this is what I came up with...Looks like as if it is floating on water~
This is one of my personal favorite~
These Bokeh shots were taken inside the Smart Tunnel...Played around with more functions...
Still haven't got the chance to take pictures of people yet...
But tonight is Fellowship Night...
It's some event (not sure if you can call it an event) in my church where all the cell groups gather together for well... Fellowship~
So yeah~
Great opportunity for me to test out the D90 with human subjects~
I've also been asked by one of the church members to be the photographer for their daughter's birthday party...
But this is not confirmed yet...
Hopefully they "hire" me la~
(I'm not getting paid though... I'm just doing it for exposure...)
Without further delay...
Here are the pictures...
Pictures are all unedited unless specified...
Pictures have also been resized thus causing a drop in photo quality...
Original photos are much sharper...
Click to enlarge...
Another example of the "Cross Screen" Effect...
I used 8-pointed stars this time...
I edited this image using the "Fish Eye" effect...
Here is what it the original picture looked like...
After editing the image above with the "Fish Eye" effect...
I decided to use the "Color Balance" function on the D90...
I gave the picture a stronger blue and this is what I came up with...Looks like as if it is floating on water~
This is one of my personal favorite~
Failed shot of KL Tower...
Times Square aka La-la Land~
Random pictures of a lamp post~
Picture of a fountain using a slow shutter speed...
I was checking out the "Repeating Flash" function...
Didn't understand how it works at first...
But after some experimenting...
Here is what I came up with...
What the "Repeating Flash" function does is this...
It repeatedly fires the flash for a set amount of times (the amount of times the flash fires can be set) when the shutter-release button is pressed...
Say for example this picture above...
It was taken with a shutter speed of 1.6" and the flash was set to fire 5 times...
As I pressed the shutter-release button...
I moved the camera in a circular motion thus capturing the objects at 5 different points...
But the amount of times you set the flash to fire may differ (not sure if this is the right word to use) depending on the shutter speed and the frequency of the flash (this can be adjusted also)...
Say for example if I use a shutter speed of 1/20 and the flash is set to repeat 10 times...
The time gap there may be too short for the flash to fire 10 times...
Then again this depends on the frequency of the flash that was set...
Hope I managed to explain that clearly...
It's much easier to explain it in person~
This was taken with the flash set to fire 3 times...
That's all I have today...
I'm hoping to get some good shots tonight~
Now I'm off to make some new Bokeh filters~
Quote of the day:
"There are no shadows that cannot be illuminated in photography..."
-August Sander-