A Snippet About The Main Writer

Julian Chong

18, Male, Malaysian. Single and available. Loves God, music, guitars, Gunpla, photography. Loves his friends too~

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shaped Bokeh: Attempt no.4

Finally had a chance to shoot some shaped Bokeh shots that has LOTS of light sources!

Here are the select few photos...
Pictures are all raw~

Click on them to enlarge for a nicer view...

A personal favorite~
Another personal favorite and pic of the day~
This shot makes it look like as if hearts are all forming at the bottom and floating upwards...

I might be going up to Genting after Easter Sunrise service this coming Sunday...
Great opportunity for me to get more shaped Bokeh shots~
I'm looking forward to that trip~

That's all I have at the moment...
Look forward to the Genting post~
(If I go that is)


Quote of the day:

A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words..."
-Ansel Adams-