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Julian Chong

18, Male, Malaysian. Single and available. Loves God, music, guitars, Gunpla, photography. Loves his friends too~

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shaped Bokeh: Attempt no.2

I was playing around with the Bokeh filter again today...
I spent almost 6-7 hours on this~
It's really addictive!

Today I made a cap-like thing for me to slot my filters in...
The cap enables me to hold the camera with both my hands rather than hold the filter in one hand and the camera in the other...
This allows me to have a steadier aim and get better pictures...

Here is what the cap looked like before...

And here is what it looked like after...
(I used a black cardboard to "wrap" it so that it matches the color of my camera)

The cap is fitted directly on to my camera's lens...
Here is what my camera looks like with the cap and filter on...
(I had to take this picture using my camera phone)

The cap snug-ly fits around the lens of the camera...
I can turn the whole camera with the lens facing down and it still won't drop off...
It's neither too tight nor too loose...
A perfect fit~

Here is what I see in the view finder with just the cap on...

And here is what it looks like with the filter on...

The filters have another use also...
It can be used as frames~
The heart shaped filter is perfect for taking pictures with your significant other without having to edit anything~
This picture has the word "perasan-ted" written all over it! =]

Some of the filters that I made today...
Heart shaped filters...
6 pointed star shaped filter...
Once again I failed in making the star shaped filter...
So cacat wei!

As you may have noticed...
I numbered the filters to help me identify which are the ones that have the nicest shape, with '1' having the best looking shape...

Enough about the cap and filters...
Time for the Bokeh filtered shots I took today~

Once again the pictures have not been edited in anyway...
They are all in its raw form...
This applies to all the pictures above as well...

Here are the select few out of the 500+ photos that were taken today...
They look better than the ones that I took yesterday...
Maybe it's because I used a tripod and a timer this time round...

Enlarge for a nicer/better view...

The star filter didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would...
Still need to work on it though...
Enlarge this for a nicer view...Three in one~
It's easier to see the three hearts if you enlarge the picture...

That's all I have for now...
Now I just need to wait for the opportunity to get a picture with lots of shaped Bokeh-ed lights...
Like in this picture...
This photo was not taken by me...

In the mean time I shall make more filters~

On a side note...
I just realized it was April Fools' Day yesterday!
Talk about being slow!


Quote of the day:
"Action is the foundational key to all success..."
-Pablo Picasso-